Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Contagion" in Western Springs is making it impossible to get out of my driveway

Yesterday I noticed some signs posted on my Wolf Rd. announcing temporary street closures.  I though that some kind road construction project was going up. Little strange though - December?
Today in the morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see no traffic in front of my house making it easy to get out of my driveway and take Tony to school. As soon as I was on the road though I saw a police car 
blocking the road 1/4 block from my house at the most. Oh, the construction, I thought.
I took the side road and was stopped by a river of traffic and people on foot. All this commotion, hmmmmm. I passed the post office and at the stop sign right by the train station I see a snow making huge, blue truck. Ok, there is snow everywhere, but they need more of it downtown Western Springs?
They were snowing up the sidewalk and windows of the Village Hardware store. More police, more snow, more street closings, agrrr.

That was the morning. Not too bad. Fast forward to 3:30 pm. I need to go and get my kid from school. It is starting to snow, no not the snow maker, the real thing.
I grab my boxes I packed today to take them to the post office on the way, but Wolf Rd. is a parking lot.
My driveway - blocked. I back up all the way to the street, cars after cars and more cars. They have to stop at the red light on the 47th, but of course it costs every one of these drivers way to much to let me out. They just pull up one after the other and as they get to my driveway and see me waiting there ready to pull out does anyone feel gentlemanly to let me go, on no, that would be way to much to ask. They just block me in over and over. A street full of jerks.

This is actually not all that unusual, except that the traffic today is probably 5 folds of normal.
I go to the post office to drop off my boxes and hear a comment here and there.

Contagion with Matt Damon is what is causing the traffic to go out of control in front of my house.
It is nice to see that most people here don't go crazy and hysterical running to see this. You could see a few onlookers here and there but nothing major. They are crushing a car into a store by the train station and Mr. Damon is supposedly here.
I thought I might go there and take some pictures for you. I'm afraid this idea came a little late to me though, sorry. It is getting dark and it is way to cold to stand there and wait for a glimpse.
I was never impressed much by celebrity, weird but true. I also tend to think sometimes that they are not real, sort of like a conspiracy theory.  Hollywood trying to trick us into believing that these  are real people while in fact.... oh, I better not go there.
Now, I start to sound looney. I think I'll stop here.
Time for homework.

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